Plans and Pricing
Introductory offer... Option 1
2 /50 min. Private lessons $75.00
Perfect for Beginners
Helps build confidence before joining Classes
You learn advantages of taking private lessons
Best Deal....
Introductory offer....Option 3
Recieve both option #1 and #2
for $85.00
Introductory offer... Option 2
Introductory Group Class Special..
2/GroupClasses for 20.00
We are open to the public. so come and check us out... then enroll on one of our class course plans:
Package offers after Introductory special
4 group classes $56.00 - *14.00 per class
6 group classes $78.00 - *13.00 per class
8 group classes $96.oo - *12.00 per class
12 group classes $120.00 - *10.00 per class
Perfect for Beginners
Learn about the latest styles of couple dancing
Learning dance steps will help you build better balance, poise and control
Create your own Class...
Create a Class Chance to get free classes for yourself
Create your own class for you and your friends... 4=5 people are required up to 8 people is $10.00 per person. If you have 9 or more people the class rate is $8.oo per person. The class includes instructor and the ability for you to learn any of the dances we teach. This is a great way to get together with your friends while learning to dance. *The person who sets the class up comes for free
Introductory offer... Option 3
***Our Best Deal...
Receive both of the above options.
Options #1 and #2 for $75.00...
2 /50 min. Private lessons
2 / Group Classes $85.00
Perfect for Beginners and Couples
Enjoy all the venues we offer
Wedding Package offer
2 Lessons $75.00
Start on our introductory offer of 2/50min. private lessons for $75..00 and have the option to buy three more for $135.00 after taking the Introductory offer!
We are open to the public so If you want to check us out first you can join us for a class and see what we are about.
Classes are $15.00 per person ...*** Try our Intro Special 2 Classes for $20.00
Please call and let us know you are coming in advance if you choose to do this first...
So join us for some Dance Fun and remember Keep on Dancing "one step at a time" Okc
Call us Today: 405-501-9487
Text us to get signed up through the box above
or email
or Call us at 405-501-9487
Text us to get signed up through the box above
or email
or Call us at 405-501-9487